Spring is here and summer will follow right behind it. It’s time to brush up on how to best take care of your skin and scars when allergy and beach seasons strike. The sun can do a number on your scars, so it’s important to take precautions before heading outside.
Going From Cold to Warm and Vice Versa
In colder weather, the temperature and humidity levels are low, so your skin has to work harder to stay hydrated. Wind and cold rob your skin of this necessary hydration, leading to dry, chapped skin. Your scar may feel itchy, too. Inflammation and cracks in the outer layer of skin are both common in cold weather. And then, when the seasons change again, you’re in for another adjustment.
With warmer weather and more humidity, your skin has to adjust to this change. It may feel more greasy as more oil sticks to the skin and pores. See your dermatologist for helpful tips on how to regulate your skin and get it back to normal. In general, you’ll want to moisturize your skin more often to keep it supple and smooth, especially after being in the sun.
Moisturize with regular lotion, sure, but you should concentrate on areas of scarring by using a silicone gel like Scarfade. This will not only add moisture to the wounded area, it will also help it heal faster and make it look less noticeable – which is what you want in the summer!
Seasonal Changes
When the humidity is low, limit showers to five minutes and don’t use scalding hot water if you can help it. Use a nourishing body wash and then moisturize with a thicker cream than you would use in the summer. Be on the lookout for cream ingredients like ceramides, glycerin and hyaluronic acid.
Once the heat and humidity of summer set in, switch to an oil-removing cleanser in combination with a lighter moisturizer, gel or lotion. You’ll also want to apply sunscreen on your face and body before heading out into the sun. Don’t forget to protect your scars with SPF too. You don’t want them to get any darker than they already are.
Scars, especially those from surgical wounds, are sensitive to the sun’s UV rays. It’s a good idea to keep them out of the sun for the first six months while they fully heal. You also don’t want to immerse yourself in a bath for longer than 15 minutes, as extended healing periods will result.
When spring allergies hit and you find yourself sneezing and scratching more often, be careful about staying away from the scarred area. Scratching or rubbing the area can lead to permanent damage, either by reopening the wound and causing further scarring or thickening the skin.
No matter what season it is, keep a tube of Scarfade handy. This topical treatment is known to reduce scarring on the skin. That’s because the silicone component slows down the body’s production of collagen to reduce the appearance of scars.