While scabs can itch, it’s important to leave them in place. Every time you pull off the scab, it sets back the healing process and exposes the area beneath to possible infection. The scab will eventually go away as a scar forms.
On March 21, 2016 I slipped & fell at our local post office and slammed my arm against the metal box fronts. OUCH!!!!! Even though I was wearing a long sleeved shirt and a lined jacket, I sustained a nasty abrasion. Funny that it didn’t tear my clothing….just my poor arm!!! I have previously used Scarfade on cuts and scrapes, but this time I wanted to start using it BEFORE the scab was off. I had read on the internet that using silicone on an open wound would help it heal faster. BUT you HAVE to make sure your hands are CLEAN to avoid infection. I’m sure this is one reason why the manufacturer’s instructions are to start using it AFTER the scab is off. The day of my accident, I applied just Neosporin three times. Then three times a day for the next week, I applied Neosporin, let it dry, then applied a layer of Scarfade and gently massaged it in to the wound before bandaging it. After the first week, I gently massaged Scarfade onto my wound three times a day. I think my results are amazing!
- Nancy B.