Make It A Point to Prevent Nose Piercing Scars

nose piercingNose piercings are a way to express yourself. Like most body jewelry, you can wear a ring, stud or jewels to achieve a more artistic look. For the most part, nose piercings are safe. On occasion, however, infection, mishaps with piercing instruments, excessive friction or the body’s adverse reaction to what it perceives as an injury can cause the skin to form a heavy scar. In some cases, nose piercings are slow to heal and can develop a heavy scar. Keloid scars in the form of bubbles at the piercing site are also somewhat common, especially for people who are prone to developing keloid scars. Heavy scars can detract from the artistic and exotic look you hoped to achieve by getting your nose pierced.

Minimizing Nose Piercing Scars

Anytime the skin is pierced, the body perceives it as an injury. Crusting, redness and swelling of the nose should be expected, but do not guarantee a noticeable scar. The skin can sometimes form a piercing pimple, which can increase your chances of having a scar. According to the Association of Professional Piercers, it is advisable to leave your piercing in place during the healing process to minimize scarring, even when the site is infected. Taking the stud out will rarely improve the situation, and can make it difficult and painful to reinsert the piercing jewelry. The cartilage in the nose is more likely to become infected than the earlobe, for example, because the blood source has fewer nutrients than the flesh of the ear.

Caring for Injured Skin

It’s important to follow your piercing professional’s recommended care routine throughout the healing process. Poor care can result in an infection. Infections can lead to thicker and more prominent scars, particularly keloid scars. Friction can also lead to a higher level of natural collagen production, resulting in thicker scars.

  • Only use high-quality jewelry in your nose, such as solid gold or silver, surgical steel, niobium or titanium.
  • Always thoroughly wash your hands before touching your piercing site.
  • In the days following the piercing, cleanse it at least twice a day with a cotton swab dipped in saline solution.
  • If a piercing pimple or bump develops, avoid the urge to pop it.
  • Refrain from putting makeup or lotions on the site until the skin has healed.
  • If an infection develops, seek medical treatment. You may need an antibiotic.

Keloid Scars

A nose piercing keloid scar can develop for a number of reasons. These raised, red scars may grow to be much larger than the small hole that is created by a body piercing needle. When they form on the outside of the nose, they are prominent and detract from the beauty of your piercing. They can continue to grow, making it difficult and uncomfortable to wear jewelry.

Scar Treatment

Keloid scars can be treated in a variety of ways to minimize their appearance. Some options include cryotherapy, steroid injections and laser surgery, although the keloid could return with any of these methods. Keloid scar cream is another option. Be sure to choose a silicone-based scar gel formula that has been independently tested and proven to work. Scarfade gel is effective in removing keloid scars.

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