The Use Of Silicone Gels In The Treatment Of Scars

While there are no formal studies I know of that would confirm the numbers, estimates from some in the medical community suggest that perhaps 100 million or more individuals throughout the world develop scars each year. Of course scars differ widely in their characteristics and thus their effects on individual patients. In some cases they… Read more »


On an almost daily basis our skin is exposed to such damaging forces as stress, sunlight, cigarette smoke and pollution. Such exposure can damage the skin and lead to the presence of free radicals. Free radicals are unstable molecules that can cause cells to function poorly or die and thus can help lead to premature… Read more »

Healthy Skincare Tip from Hanson Skincare

Why should you include cleansing and toning as part of your daily facial skincare regime? Cleansing and toning are one of the least expensive yet most effective ways to help maintain healthy, vibrant skin. CLEANSING: Cleansing is perhaps the easiest most important element of maintaining healthy skin. It is the basis for a healthy skincare… Read more »

Need a Tummy Tuck? Read This

A Tummy Tuck (also called Abdominoplasty) is a very popular procedure to remove excess skin from the abdominal area. According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS), there were approximately 148,410 Tummy Tuck procedures performed by member surgeons in 2007. The majority of the time, this procedure results in a greatly improved appearance for… Read more »

The Basics of Scars

As part of the body’s process of healing itself, scars are a natural result of trauma to the skin. When the skin is broken, the body’s response is to produce collagen in the affected area. Collagen helps to heal the area which is a good thing, however often the body will overproduce collagen. When this… Read more »

Punch Techniques For Scar Removal

When choosing a treatment for scars, it is important to first determine the type of scar you have. Just as there are many different types of scars, there are also many different treatment options available. A treatment that is effective on one scar may not be appropriate for another. A good physician will evaluate your… Read more »

About Acne Scars and Their Treatment

As if dealing with the stress and discomfort of acne weren’t enough, those with serious acne are also faced with the reality of unsightly scarring. According to the Acne Resource Center Online (, some 60 million Americans have active acne and some 20 million have it badly enough to cause some form of scarring. If… Read more »

Scar Info

If you have spent any time searching online for information on scars and scar treatment, you have likely been overwhelmed by the volume of information available. To help make the job of wading through all that information a bit easier, we recently submitted an article to this blog entitled “Questions to ask when choosing a… Read more »

Questions To Ask When Choosing A Non-Surgical Scar Removal Treatment

Have you ever done an internet search for products that help reduce scarring? If you have, you are painfully aware of the fact that there are an abundance of creams, gels, lotions and sheets on the market. One could literally spend days going through all the websites promoting products that claim to reduce scars, some… Read more »